Société et Musée Paderewski – Morges / Fondation Paderewski

Société et Musée Paderewski in Morges was created on 30 June 1977 upon the initiative of the pianist Henryk Witkowski, a student of Zygmunt Dygat. The co-founders were Lidia Opieńska, Werner Fuchss, Jean-Georges Martin, Jean-Jacques Glayre and Xavier Salina. The objective of the Society was to establish a museum dedicated to the Master and to take actions aimed at preserving the memory and spreading the knowledge about the Polish artist and politician so closely connected to Switzerland. The Society published the printed annual journal "Annales Paderewski", organised concerts and a competition named after Paderewski for young musicians.

In 2014, two institutions on the foundations of Société et Musée Paderewski were established (La Fondation Paderewski and L'Association des amis du Musée Paderewski.)

See also: Xavier Salina, Société Paderewski – Towarzystwo Paderewskiego w Morges, w: Z panteonu wielkich Polaków: Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Album Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Muzyki Polskiej im. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego w Warszawie, wybór tekstów i ilustracji Kazimierz Roman Czekaj Haag, Bazylea-Kraków-Warszawa 2010, pp. 191-194.